§ 50. Mr. T. WILLIAMSasked the Financial Secretary to the Treasury what were the reasons for the setting aside by the League of Nations Assembly of the regulation that no person might be a member of the League Supervisory Commission on Finance for more than six years in succession; and whether His Majesty's Government agreed to this step?
§ Lieut.-Colonel COLVILLEThe 1936 Assembly of the League of Nations thought it desirable that the Supervisory Commission as at present composed should continue to deal with the important financial questions arising out of the large expenditure on the new League buildings, which are not expected to be completed until 1937. The regulation referred to by the hon. Member was accordingly suspended in order that, subject to the addition of one new member, the existing membership of the Supervisory Commission could be maintained until the end of 1937. The United Kingdom delegation to the Assembly supported this decision.
§ Mr. WILLIAMSAre we to understand that the extension of office is intended only for one year?
§ Lieut.-Colonel COLVILLEI understand that to be the case.