HC Deb 30 April 1936 vol 311 cc1065-6
10. Major LEIGHTON

asked the Minister of Labour whether recruiting posters are displayed in the Employment Exchanges?

6. Colonel GOODMAN

asked the Minister of Labour whether employment exchange officials are at liberty to call the attention of those seeking employment to the opportunities presented by enlistment in the Royal Navy, Army, and Royal Air Force; and whether the recruiting branches of these three services are given facilities for the display and circulation of printed matter at employment exchanges?


A poster is exhibited at every employment exchange which gives the addresses of the appropriate recruiting offices for the Royal Navy, the Army and the Royal Air Force, and advises applicants that leaflets and booklets about conditions in the three services may be obtained at the employment exchange counter. These leaflets and booklets are distributed on request to any applicant making enquiry. I am considering, in consultation with my right hon. Friends the Ministers for the three Service Departments, whether any modification in these arrangements is desirable.


Is the right hon. Gentleman aware that these posters are not exhibited in every exchange, and will he give instructions that they should be? May I also ask him whether it is true that coloured posters are not allowed?


That is not so, and I am not aware of any exchange where posters are not exhibited. If my hon. and gallant Friend knows of any, I shall be glad if he will let me know.


Does the right hon. Gentleman know that at my local exchange there were no posters exhibited when I visited it?


I only wish my hon. and gallant Friend had let me know that.


Can the Minister say whether these advertisements are distributed free, or are they paid for at advertisement rates?

Major-General Sir ALFRED KNOX

Will the right hon. Gentleman instruct the officials to distribute leaflets to men of suitable age?


Will the right hon. Gentleman give reasons why the Government cannot obtain all the recruits they want?


Because you people want us to go to war.