HC Deb 22 April 1936 vol 311 c147
33. Mr. T. SMITH

asked the Secretary for Mines the total quantity of coal exported from the Humber ports, respectively, during the three months ended

Quantity and the Average Value per ton (f.o.b.) of coal exported from the Humber Ports during the three months ended March, 1936, 1932 and 1930.
Port. Three months ended March
1936. 1932. 1930.
Quantity. Average declared Value per ton (f.o.b.). Quantity. Average declared Value per ton (f.o.b.). Quantity. Average declared Value per ton (f.o.b.).
Tons. s. d. Tons. s. d. Tons. s. d.
Goole 177,081 16 2 224,304 13 10 348,435 15 1
Grimsby 16,538 16 3 38,671 14 5 77,083 15 4
Immingham 293,698 15 8 391,752 13 11 455,747 15 7
Hull 140,476 16 8 241,324 14 8 509,541 16 10
Total 627,793 16 0 896,051 14 1 1,390,806 15 11
It should be noted that the figures for 1930 were affected by the Central Collieries Commercial Association's Voluntary Scheme.