HC Deb 07 April 1936 vol 310 cc2585-6
31. Mr. HICKS

asked the Secretary of State for War whether he is aware of the discontent prevailing amongst foremen and assistants, storeholders and assistants, worktakers, ratefixers, and estimators, employed in the Royal Ordnance factories at Woolwich and Enfield, on account of the excessive overtime being worked forex-gratiapayments instead of proper overtime rates; whether he is aware that these grades are suffering under an agreement which was never intended to apply in the emergency period which now exists; and whether he will have inquiries made into the matter?

The SECRETARY of STATE for WAR (Mr. Duff Cooper)

The scales of pay in issue to these employés, which in all cases derive from awards of the Industrial Court or agreements with the staff side of the appropriate Whitley body, were designed to cover all time worked. There is therefore no entitlement to overtime pay. In view, however, of heavy pressure during recent months on work of an emergency character, involving exceptional hours of duty, a special arrangement for some ex-gratia payments was made. The staff side have lately made representations on certain aspects of this arrangement, and discussion with them at an early date is contemplated.


Do I understand from the Minister that he is receiving a deputation from the representatives in order to discuss the matter?


What is contemplated is a discussion under the ordinary Whitley conditions.


Is the Secretary of State aware that overtime now is not desired either by the workpeople or the staff, but is being made compulsory, and, in the circumstances, does he not think that the request is a reasonable one?


I am not sure to what request the hon. Member refers. The whole matter is now to be discussed. I have had no request to receive a deputation, and the matter is to be discussed in the ordinary course.


Would the right hon. Gentleman receive a deputation?


I will make inquiries.