HC Deb 01 April 1936 vol 310 c1988
34 and 35. Mr. GOLDIE

asked the Minister of Transport (1) whether and, if so, when it is proposed to remove the tramway shelter on the Embankment adjacent to Temple Gardens which completely obstructs the view of on-coming traffic for passengers descending from tramway cars, and to which the attention of his Department has been called on several previous occasions;

(2) whether the final decision as to whether the existing tramway shelter on the Embankment, adjacent to Temple Gardens, constitutes a danger to the public is to be taken by him or by the local authority; and, if by the latter, will he make representations to such authority for its removal forthwith?


The tramway shelter in question was erected under statutory powers. It has now been altered at my request, plain glass being substituted for wood to enable passengers leaving the cars to see approaching traffic. My engineers are discussing with the City Corporation the provision of guard rails and traffic light signals in order further to improve the situation.


In view of the fact that the shelter is a little more dangerous than it was before, will the Minister, in the interests of the unfortunate inhabitants of the Temple, arrange for an accident black spot notice at this point?


I agree that some of the inhabitants of the Temple are unfortunate, but this is a matter for the City Corporation. As my hon. and learned Friend knows, I have been doing my best to arrange with them some improvement in the situation of which he so rightly complains.


I am obliged. Will the Minister do his best to have an accident black spot notice arranged for at this point?