HC Deb 29 May 1935 vol 302 cc1122-3
37 Major OWEN

asked the Minister of Agriculture the number of small holdings of over one acre extent existing at present in the six North Wales counties; and how many of these have been created since 1931?


I am circulating in the OFFICIALREPORT a statement showing the number of agricultural holdings over one acre and not exceeding 50 acres in 1931 and 1934 in the six North Wales counties, and also the number of statutory smallholdings provided since 1931. I regret that I am unable to give particulars of the number of small holdings of all kinds created since 1931.

Following is the statement:

distributive trades, the price of milk for use in the manufacture of ice cream is 7½ a gallon; provided that, unless the board otherwise agree, the purchaser buys not less than a daily average of 500 gallons and utilises not less than a daily average of 300 gallons for manufacturing purposes. I am informed that with a view to increasing sales of surplus fresh milk for ice cream manufacture, experimental arrangements have now been made whereby ice cream manufacturers who are unable to comply with these quantity conditions may obtain supplies, at rates slightly higher than 7½d. a gallon, through purchasers under the board's contract. As to the last part of the question, I would refer my hon. and gallant Friend to the replies I gave to my hon. Friend the Member for Bolton (Sir J. Haslam) and to the hon. Member for St. Rollox (Mr. Leonard) on 2nd May, to which at the moment there is nothing to add.


Does not my right hon. Friend think that hospitals are more deserving of special treatment than ice cream vendors?


It is not aquestion of the deserving or otherwise of the particular persons involved. It is simply a question of business, and, as I have said, I have nothing to add to the answer which I gave on the 2ndMay.