HC Deb 29 May 1935 vol 302 cc1210-1

Amendment made: In page 88, line 33, column 3, at the end, insert: In section twenty-one, in sub-section (2), the words the terms of."—[Mr. Shakespeare.]

7.35 p.m.


I beg to move, That the Bill be re-committed to a Committee of the Whole House in respect of the Amendment in Clause 61, page 50, line 38,standing on the Notice Paper in the name of Sir Hilton Young. I understand that, according to our Standing Orders, it is proper for me to make an explanation, a brief explanation, of the Clause which is to be amended. Recommittal of a Bill is necessary where it is contemplated, in the course of the Report stage, to make any changes of a certain character, and among them is a change which would impose a charge upon the rates. In the course of the Report stage the question arose of the compensation payable to an owner-occupier in connection with a slum clearance scheme. I undertook to reconsider the amount of compensation to be awarded, and as a result of that reconsideration an Amendment has been put down. In order that that Amendment may be discussed it is necessary for the House to go into Committee, and in order to get the House into Committee, it is necessary to move this Motion for recommittal at the present stage.

Bill accordingly considered in Committee.