47. Mr. VYVYAN ADAMSasked the Prime Minister whether it is intended immediately to convene a conference to negotiate on the basis of Herr Hitler's proposal to limit air armaments; and, alternatively, whether any and, if so, what, steps are being taken by His Majesty's Government to mitigate the tension that prevails internationally?
§ Sir I. SIMONI have been asked to reply. As regards the first part of the question, His Majesty's Government, who have throughout urged the importance of promoting agreement on this subject, have for some time past been in communication with the other Governments concerned, respecting the possibility of negotiating, between the Five Powers mentioned in the London Communiqué, an air pact and an air limitation agreement. As regards the second part of the question, it is unnecessary for me to assure my hon. Friend that His Majesty's Government are devoting their most earnest endeavours to the promotion of a general settlement, acceptable to all parties concerned, of the various questions now outstanding in the international sphere. For the moment, I have no further statement to make.