§ 12. Mr. THORNEasked the Secretary of State for Scotland whether he is in a position to state the result of his inquiries into the case of Mr. John Mulholland, who is an inmate of the Argyll and Bute district asylum at Lochgilphead; and what action he intends taking in the matter?
§ The LORD ADVOCATEI find that on the 10th April Mr. Mulholland's sister applied for his discharge to the Glasgow public assistance authority, the authority responsible for his maintenance in the Argyll and Bute district asylum. As Mr. Mulholland had not then recovered, the public assistance committee refused the application as they were not satisfied
§ and whether the cost to the local authority for those able-bodied unemployed who are outwith the scope of the Unemployment Assistance Board is included in this 5 per cent.?
§ The LORD ADVOCATEAs the answer involves a number of figures my right hon. Friend proposes, with the hon. Member's permission, to circulate a statement in the OFFICIAL REPORT.
§ Following is the answer:
§ The following is the information asked for, the figures being estimates of the annual amount of the different items.
§ that the sister would properly supervise him. The medical superintendent of the asylum considers that recovery has now taken place, and is in communication with the sister with a view to arranging for Mr. Mulholland's discharge.
§ Mr. THORNEIf I put down another question later shall I be able to get a definite answer as to whether he is going to be allowed out or not?
§ The LORD ADVOCATEIf the lion. Member will put down another question, he will receive an answer according to the circumstances at the time.