HC Deb 21 May 1935 vol 302 cc945-6
43. Mr. MOREING (for Mr. NUNN)

asked the Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs whether any representations have been made through the Chinese Government to the North China River Commission that the port of Tientsin is practically closed to ocean-going ships, which are unable to proceed beyond Tangku, cargo at that point having to be transferred to lighters at heavy cost to British shippers for lighterage and unloading charges; and, if not, whether he will cause inquiries to be put in hand with a view to action being taken?


The reason for the conditions described in my hon. Friend's question is that the scheme for preventing silt from reaching Tientsin harbour has proved ineffective. Representations have been made in this connection to both the central and the local Chinese authorities, and His Majesty's Ambassador and Consul-General are in close and constant touch with the situation.