HC Deb 16 May 1935 vol 301 cc1866-7
20. Mr. McENTEE

asked the Home Secretary whether he is aware that the initial basic rate of pay of the prison officer prior to June, 1920, was 34s. per week and afterwards reduced to 29s. per week, the maximum being lowered proportionately, in order to form a hypothetical basic rate of pay on which to calculate the war bonus; that the basic pay rates of all the subordinate staff were reduced by sums ranging from 5s. to 8s. per week; whether he is aware that the Prison Officers' Representative Board has many times pressed the Department to re-establish the real basic rates and apply the war bonus to them; and whether, in view of the disparity in the rates of pay of the prison staff as compared with police pay, he will take steps to re-establish the original rates and have the war bonus calculated on them for the purpose of consolidating the general remuneration of the prison staff on 1st July?


As the answer is long and contains a number of figures, I will, with the hon. Member's permission, circulate it in the OFFICIAL REPORT.

Following is the answer:

In September, 1918, prison officers were granted a permanent increase in pay of 10s. a week and their initial basic rate of pay then became 34s. a week. On the 1st April, 1919, the pay with bonus of an officer at the minimum of his scale was 54s. 10d. In 1920 a new scale of bonus, based on pre-war pay, was agreed on the National Whitley Council. In applying this arrangement to the pay of prison officers it was decided that the whole of the 10s. increase granted in September, 1918, could not be regarded as pre-war pay, but it was eventually agreed, after a conference with the Prison Officers' Representative Board, that part should be so regarded, and that for the purpose only of calculating bonus a hypothetical minimum rate of 29s. to 43s. should be adopted, on the understanding that there would be a reversion to the basic rate of 34s. in the event of calculation for bonus being no longer necessary. The pay and bonus of prison officers have now been consolidated. The minimum rate of pay is 44s. 9d. a week, and will be 45s. 11d. from 1st July. The position has been fully explained to the Prison Officers' Representative Board on many occasions and I am unable to comply with the request in the last paragraph of the hon. Member's question.