HC Deb 16 May 1935 vol 301 cc1893-4

asked the Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs whether he is aware that the monument, erected in 1923 by the Spanish Government in honour of Wellington's Army, on the Castle Hill of St. Sebastian, has been recently much injured and mutilated and whether he will make representations to the present Spanish Government urging that it shall be repaired and guarded for the future?


It was brought to my right hon. Friend's notice last year that the cemetery at St. Sebastian containing the graves of British soldiers who fell in the Peninsular Wars, which is situated in a lofty and remote position above the town, had fallen into neglect. I am glad to say that the British Vice-Consul at St. Sebastian has now obtained from the municipal authorities an assurance that this neglect will be repaired. I am aware that the monument, which was erected by the Spanish Government from stonework which had previously formed part of another monument, has suffered damage largely from the nature of the stone and the exposed position of the cemetery, but it does not appear to be for His Majesty's Government to suggest to the Spanish Government that they should undertake the restoration of the monument.


Would it surprise my right hon. Friend to know that witnesses who have been there quite recently say that it is not being repaired?


No, it would not, but I must explain that as the monument was put up by the Spanish Government I do not think it is for us to ask them to keep it in repair


Is my right hon. Friend aware that the monument erected at Glen Finnan to Charles Edward is also in a bad state of repair?