HC Deb 14 May 1935 vol 301 cc1628-9

7.48 p.m.


I beg to move, in page 315, line 32, to leave out "before the passing of this Act," and to insert: made before the commencement of Part XIV of this Act.

This Amendment is purely drafting.

Amendment agreed to.


I beg to move, in page 315, line 35, after "Burma," to insert: as amended by any subsequent notification made before the commencement of Part XIV of this Act. This Amendment is also drafting. There have been several Amendments to the original notification of 1922. This process might possibly recur before separation takes place. It is to make provision for that that we are moving this Amendment.

Amendment agreed to.


I beg to move, in page line 8, at the end, to insert: 9. The Salween district. When the Joint Select Committee discussed this area, they asked us to look into the question of this particular district, and, after making inquiries, we thought that the Salween District of Burma should be moved to Part I, which is totally excluded. This corresponds more closely to the description of a totally excluded area than a partially excluded one. We have had this advice, and I think it would be more suitable if, following upon the advice given us, and upon the result of our investigation, the Salween District were put in the first part of this Schedule rather than the second.

7.50 p.m.


I have had some private correspondence with the India Office on the subject of statistics I sent to them and I would ask the Under-Secretary whether, as a matter of fact, the Salween District, as now stated, includes the whole of the tract which really belongs to the Karen Hills and the people who live there. I am given to understand, although I have not a big enough map of Burma to see, that there are certain tracts in Toungoo which would not be excluded as a whole, but which really fall within the same category as the Salween District itself. I would ask the Under-Secretary whether in the delimitation of boundaries or by some other reference, provision could be made so that the whole hill tracts falling within the same category should be brought within the excluded area. I would merely put that question in the hope that he will be able to give some assurance.

7.52 p.m.


I remember the correspondence I had on the subject of some townships, neighbouring on the Salween District. Those particular townships had actually remained outside the Salween District. I am still investigating this matter with the Government of Burma, and we have not been able to come to any definite decision yet whether they can be made a partially excluded area. They are still outside this particular Salween District, and when I am in a position to give the hon. Member a reply I will do so and inform him of what decision we can come to on this subject.


I am much obliged.

Amendment agreed to.


I beg to move in page 316, to leave out line 18.

This Amendment is consequential.

Amendment agreed to.

Schedule, as amended, agreed to.