§ 26. Mr. HANNONasked the Minister of Health the results of such investigation as has been made in relation to the food qualities of Chinese eggs imported into 1366 this country; and if it has been ascertained that putrefaction takes place immediately such eggs cease to be in a frozen condition?
§ The PARLIAMENTARY SECRETARY to the MINISTRY of HEALTH (Mr. Shakespeare)My right hon. Friend is not aware of any investigation into the food qualities of Chinese eggs. He is advised that putrefaction does not take place immediately the eggs cease to be in a frozen condition.
§ Mr. HANNONIs it not a fact that an investigation was promised on a former occasion, and will the hon. Gentleman tell the House what was the result of that inquiry?
§ Mr. SHAKESPEAREThe inquiry was into the bacteriological contents of the eggs, and the eggs were given, a good character.
§ Mr. HANNONHas the hon. Gentleman's attention been called to the repulsive conditions under which these eggs are produced in China, and will not His Majesty's Government take any action to save the people of this country from having food of that kind brought here?
§ Mr. LAWSONIs there any truth in the statement that these hens have a lower standard of living than British hens?
§ Mr. SHAKESPEAREThe simple fact is that the content of the eggs is not affected by what the hens eat.
§ 29. Mr. HANNONasked the Minister of Health whether he has made any reply to the resolution adopted by the National Poultry Council at its conference at Southport, on 30th April, that the import of Chinese eggs into this country is a menace to public health, and that analytical examination has proved that such eggs are produced under filthy and insanitary conditions; and whether he contemplates action to prevent those eggs being imported into this country?
§ Mr. SHAKESPEAREThis resolution does not appear to have been received either in my Department or in, the Ministry of Agriculture. As regards the latter part of the question, I would refer 1367 my hon. Friend to the answer given to him on this subject on the 14th March.
§ Mr. HANNONWould it be too much to ask the Minister to have inquiry made through our representative in China as to the circumstances under which these eggs are produced, so that the actual facts may be made known to the people of this country?