6. Miss WARDasked the Secretary for Mines whether he can make any statement relating to the activities of the Coal Mines Reorganisation Commission?
§ The SECRETARY for MINES (Mr. Ernest Brown)The Coal Mines Reorganisation Commission have been proceeding on the lines already announced in their report of 28th November, 1933 (Command Paper 4468), and have since been engaged in the preparation of a number of amalgamation schemes. One scheme (for partial amalgamation in West Yorkshire) has already been referred to the Railway and Canal Commission. The hearing will take place in the near future. Schemes of compulsory amalgamation affecting six separate districts are now in various stages of preparation. I am sending my hon. Friend particulars of five voluntary amalgamations additional to those referred to in my report under Section 12 of the 1926 Act for the year 1934.
§ Mr. GODFREY NICHOLSONDoes my hon. Friend mean that there is no more recent information available than November, 1933?
§ Mr. BROWNNo, I do not mean that at all. If my hon. Friend will study the question he will see the official information there.
§ Mr. T. SMITHCan the hon. Gentleman say when the recommendations of the Coal Mines Reorganisation Commission, as far as mining royalties are concerned, are to be implemented by the Government?
Miss WARDCan my hon. Friend hold out any hope of ever getting any adequate results from the Coal Mines Reorganisation Commission?