HC Deb 28 March 1935 vol 299 cc2160-1

Motion made, and Question proposed, "That the Clause stand part of the Bill."

7.33 p.m.


I have an Amendment down to this Clause which is subsidiary to certain Amendments which are down to the Seventh Schedule, and which raise the whole question of whether or not petroleum, coal and other mines will remain as at present proposed solely subject to the Provincial Legislatures or whether the Federal Legislature should not be given some power over them in order that there may be a degree of uniformity in the law relating to mines and minerals throughout India. If, when the Seventh Schedule is reached, we find it possible to persuade the Government to accept some Amendments with regard to mining law in India, it may be necessary that this Clause in turn should be amended to the effect indicated in my Amendment on the Paper which proposes to insert the words: taxes on mineral rights and on royalties on mineral production to the extent mentioned in the Federal Legislative List. That would be necessary so that if the Federation collected taxes on mineral rights or royalties they should be able to give them back to the Provinces in which the mines are situated, in the same way as the duties and other taxes referred to in this Clause. I mention the subject now because it is a matter of importance.