§ 17. Mr. JANNERasked the Postmaster-General whether he is aware of the heavy vehicular traffic around and in the vicinity of the site at the junction of Hanbury Street and Deal Street, Whitechapel, Stepney, purchased by his Department; and whether, in view of the potential danger to life, he will prevent any use of this site for a garage or similar purpose?
§ The POSTMASTER-GENERAL (Sir Kingsley Wood)I am not aware that the traffic conditions are particularly dangerous in this area, but in any case the question of the utilisation of the site for other than Post Office purposes is the subject of discussion between the London County Council and His Majesty's Office of Works.
§ Mr. JANNERWill the right hon. Gentleman say when these discussions are likely to come to a head, seeing that this matter was raised as early as December?
§ Sir K. WOODI was not aware of that fact.
§ 24. Mr. JANNERasked the Minister of Health whether arrangements have yet been made for the site at the junction of Hanbury Street and Deal Street, Whitechapel, Stepney, to be used for a housing scheme; and whether, in view of the shortage of housing accommodation in that district, he will take immediate steps to ensure that the building of flats or houses on the above site shall be commenced without delay?
§ The PARLIAMENTARY SECRETARY to the MINISTRY of HEALTH (Mr. Shakespeare)I understand that the possibility of making arrangements of this kind is still under discussion between the Postmaster-General and the London County Council who are the authorities concerned. My right hon. Friend is keeping in touch with the discussion but has no power to intervene in the manner suggested.
§ Mr. JANNERCan the hon. Gentleman tell us when there is likely to be a decision in this matter, particularly in view of the fact that there is such a serious scarcity of housing accommodation?
§ Mr. SHAKESPEAREWe have no power to intervene. I understand that a decision will be reached quite shortly.