HC Deb 22 March 1935 vol 299 cc1485-564

Considered in Committee [ELEVENTH DAY—Progress, 20th March].

[SIR DENNIS HERBERT in the Chair.]

  1. CLAUSE 57.—(Provisions as to crimes of violence intended to overthrow Government.) 3,023 words
  2. cc1493-7
  3. CLAUSE 58.—(Disclosure of sources of information.) 1,653 words, 1 division
  4. cc1497-501
  5. CLAUSE 59.—(Conduct of business of Provincial Government.) 1,414 words
  6. cc1501-17
  7. CLAUSE 60.—(Constitution of the Legislature.) 6,436 words, 1 division
  8. cc1517-8
  9. CLAUSE 61.—(Composition of Chambers of Provincial Legislatures.) 496 words
  10. cc1518-20
  11. CLAUSE 62.—(Sessions of the Legislature, prorogation and dissolution.) 485 words
  12. c1520
  13. CLAUSE 66.—(Voting in Chambers, power of Chambers to act notwithstanding vacancies, and quorum.) 110 words
  14. cc1520-5
  15. CLAUSE 83.—(Provisions with respect to certain educational grants in aid.) 1,644 words
  16. cc1525-9
  17. CLAUSE 84.—(Rules of procedure.) 1,506 words
  18. cc1529-34
  19. CLAUSE 88.—(Power of Governor to promulgate ordinances during recess of Legislature.) 1,559 words
  20. cc1534-44
  21. CLAUSE 89.—(Power of Governor to promulgate ordinances with respect to certain subjects.) 3,782 words
  22. cc1544-8
  23. CLAUSE 90.—(Power of Governor to enact Acts.) 1,418 words
  24. cc1548-55
  25. CLAUSE 91.—(Excluded areas and partially excluded areas.) 2,853 words
  26. cc1555-6
  27. CLAUSE 92.—(Administration of excluded areas and partially excluded areas.) 462 words
  28. cc1557-64
  29. CLAUSE 94.—(Chief Commissioners Provinces.) 2,399 words
  30. c1564
  31. ADJOURNMENT. 21 words