HC Deb 21 March 1935 vol 299 cc1362-3
17. Miss CAZALET

asked the Parliamentary Secretary to the Board of Education the number of juveniles, over the age of 14, attending day continuation classes during each of the last five years provided by employers and by local authorities, respectively?


As the answer contains a tabular statement of figures, I will, with my hon. Friend's permission, circulate it in the OFFICIAL REPORT.

Following is the answer:

and whether he will give the figures for this country compiled on the same basis as the Australian figure above mentioned?


My right hon. Friend has seen a report in the Press to the effect of the first part of the question, but the statement as to comparative rates in the two countries was not attributed to the Federal Minister of Health. There are known to be certain differences in the basis of calculation in the two countries, and my right hon. Friend doubts whether it is possible to establish the true relation between the English and Australian rates without much fuller comparison than has hitherto been made between the English and Australian procedure at all stages in the preparation of maternal mortality statistics.


Is nothing being done to get a system by which we can compare these figures with different parts of the Empire?


Not so far as I know.


Will my hon. Friend look into the matter with the Registrar-General and see whether such a very obviously elementary procedure could not be adopted?