HC Deb 13 March 1935 vol 299 cc369-71
11. Colonel WEDGWOOD

asked the Secretary of State for the Colonies whether in view of the detrimental effect of the Clove Growers' Association upon British trade with Zanzibar, he will re consider the legislation setting up this association?


I cannot accept the suggestion that the reconstitution of the Clove Growers' Association on its present lines has had any detrimental effect on British trade with Zanzibar. On the contrary, the information I have received goes to show that, even in the short time which has elapsed since the reconstitution, the people of Zanzibar have already begun to derive substantial benefit. In the circumstances, I see no necessity for any reconsideration of the recent enactments, though I can assure the hon. Member that the situation is carefully watched by the Zanzibar Government.


Has the right hon. Gentleman received any communication on the subject from the East African section of the London Chamber of Commerce presided over by Sir Humphrey Leggett; and whether he is aware that a further consignment of 900 tons of cloves has been ordered by the Americans from Madagascar although hitherto they got their supplies from Zanzibar?


In answer to the first part of the supplementary question, I think the chamber of commerce asked for certain information which was supplied to them. I do not think we have had any other communications from them. With regard to the second part of the question, there has always been an export of cloves from Madagascar and the volume of that export was taken very carefully into consideration by the Zanzibar Government. They carefully reviewed the matter on the spot.


Would it be possible to find out from the Zanzibar Government whether there have been other purchases made in Madagascar which up to now were being made in Zanzibar; and whether the London Chamber of Commerce have made any definite representations?


I have answered the first point. It would obviously be useless to inquire in Zanzibar as to whether somebody in America has made purchases in Madagascar. I think the best evidence of the reason- able success of the scheme, which is consonant with marketing schemes all through the Empire, is that the price has improved by a certain amount and has been very steady for some time.


Is the trade not all in the hands of one firm now?