HC Deb 12 March 1935 vol 299 c192
31 and 32. Mr. MAINWARING

asked the Minister of Labour (1) what was the total initial cost of acquiring, including the equipment, the premises now utilised as training, instructional, or conditioning centres under his Department, together with the average annual cost of equipment and maintenance;

(2) what is the total annual cost, on account of salaries and wages, of persons in charge of training centres, &c., and of those engaged for instructional purposes?

The MINISTER of LABOUR (Mr. Oliver Stanley)

The total initial cost of acquiring and equipping the premises now utilised as training, instructional, &c., centres, was about £400,000. Details of the estimated cost of salaries and wages, and of equipment and maintenance for 1934 and 1935 are given in the Estimates for the Ministry of Labour for 1935 (page 25 of H.C. 50). The provision for equipment is largely dependent upon the number of new centres to be opened during the year.


asked the Minister of Labour what is the total estimated cost of maintenance, on all accounts, per trainee per week at each of the instructional and conditioning centres under the Ministry?


I am having figures extracted and will circulate them in the OFFICIAL REPORT.