HC Deb 12 March 1935 vol 299 cc186-7

asked the Secretary of State for Scotland whether he is aware that police pension funds were abolished under the Police Pensions Act, 1921; whether any list has ever been prepared showing the assets of the police pension funds so abolished; and whether, as the assets of the Glasgow police pension fund, so abolished, now amount to £363,337, he will give directions as to the best utilisation of these assets, either towards meeting present police pensions payable in Glasgow, or otherwise in meeting the heavy expenditure in Glasgow on account of unemployed and other social schemes?


The reply to the first part of the question is in the affirmative; and the reply to the second part is in the negative. As regards the last part of the question the assets referred to were transferred, under the Police Pensions Act, 1921, to the Glasgow police fund and they continue, in accordance with that Act, to be held by the police authority as investments of the police fund. The income derived from these investments is paid into the police fund, from which the expenses of the Glasgow Police Force, including pensions to former members of the force, are paid. I have no power to allocate any of this money for social schemes.