§ "to confer further powers upon the London Passenger Transport Board with respect to the borrowing of money; and for other purposes," presented, and read the First time; and referred to the Examiners of Petitions for Private Bills, pursuant to the Order of the House of the 24th June.
§ Ipswich Corporation (Trolley Vehicles) Provisional Order Bill,
§ Marriages Provisional Orders Bill,
§ Ministry of Health Provisional Order (Cuddington Joint Hospital District) Bill,
§ Ministry of Health Provisional Order (East Surrey Water) Bill,
§ Ministry of Health Provisional Order (Harpenden Water) Bill,
§ Ministry of Health Provisional Order (Monks and Princes Risborough Water) Bill,
§ Ministry of Health Provisional Order (Rainham Water) Bill,
§ Ministry of Health Provisional Order (South Oxfordshire Water) Bill,
§ Read the Third time, and passed.