§ 67. Rear-Admiral Sir MURRAY SUETERasked the Chancellor of the Exchequer, with the view of having the regulations as was always the case prior to 1931, whether he will reconsider the regulations regarding travelling expenses so as to grant first-class warrants to officers and civil servants travelling on duty?
§ 22. Commander MARSDENasked the First Lord of the Admiralty whether it is intended to rescind the Admiralty Order of 1933 under which officers below the rank of commander, when travelling on duty, are required to travel third class?
§ Mr. COOPERIt will be recalled that in 1933 the question of the extent to which first class travel at the public expense should be allowed to officers of the Defence Services and civil servants was under consideration and that, as from 1st May, 1933, first class travelling was normally restricted
The system has been reviewed in the light of its actual working and it has been decided that modifications may now properly be made. Accordingly the 1107 general arrangements for first class travel will in future include
- (i) in the case of the Civil Service, to officials in receipt of £1,000 per annum and above (for women £850);
- (ii) in the case of the Navy, Army and Air Force, to officers of the rank of commander, lieut.-colonel and wing commander, or above, officers below these ranks when necessarily travelling in uniform being allowed the same privilege.
- (i) for the Civil Service, officials in receipt of £750 per annum and above (£600 for women);
- (ii) for the Defence Services, officers of the rank of lieut-commander, major and squadron leader and above.