HC Deb 26 June 1935 vol 303 cc1092-4
39. Sir G. FOX

asked the Minister of Transport on what date the Oxfordshire County Council submitted to him a further list of roads to be de-restricted with regard to the 30-miles-per-hour limit; whether such list included Henley Fair Mile; and whether he considers it satisfactory?


On the 19th June I received proposals from the Oxfordshire County Council for the restriction and de-restriction of certain lengths of roads in their area. These included the proposal for the de-restriction of 1,300 yards of Henley Fair Mile, to which I am consenting.


Can the right hon. Gentleman say, in connection with this revision, whether any record is kept of the casualties before and after restriction?


asked the Minister of Transport whether he can state the approximate mileage of the length of classified roads on which the 30-miles-per-hour limit has now been abolished after being introduced under the new restriction scheme, and in respect of which local authorities have failed to comply with the representations made by him?


I should be obliged if my hon. Friend would allow the position to become more stabilised before pressing me to give to the House the figures for which he asks. I can assure him in the meanwhile that considerable progress has been made.

60. Sir G. FOX

asked the Secretary of State for the Home Department the number of motorists who have been prosecuted for exceeding the speed limit in the Henley Urban Council district and the actual number of such motorists who have been prosecuted for this offence committed on the Henley Fair Mile?

The UNDER-SECRETARY of STATE for the HOME DEPARTMENT (Captain Euan Wallace)

Statistics relating to such offences are not compiled in such a way as to distinguish those which occurred in particular urban districts or on particular stretches of road, and I regret therefore that I cannot give the desired particulars.


asked the Home Secretary the percentage of convictions for exceeding the 30 miles per hour limit in built-up areas in which the speed was less than 35 miles per hour?


I regret that this information is not available.


Will my hon. and gallant Friend endeavour to review the cases of borderline offenders, and particularly to consider whether, in view of the co-operation his Department has had from the motoring public, he might not, where the speed is only slightly over 30 miles an hour, cease endorsing licences in the case of a first offence?


The question whether a licence should be endorsed is one for the courts and not for the Home Office.


But you could give guidance, could you not?