§ 60. Mr. LEONARDasked the Secretary of State for Scotland on whose authority Sunday newspapers are withheld from untried prisoners in Barlinnie prison; and will he take steps to ensure a return to the long-established practice of allowing untried prisoners to receive 544 the Sunday newspapers provided by their relatives for Sunday perusal?
§ Mr. SKELTONThe distribution of Sunday newspapers on Sundays to untried prisoners has recently been given up in the ordinary course of prison administration. It has for long been the practice to censor all newspapers and block out from them before distribution news of a certain character. This practice involves the expenditure of a considerable amount of time, and the object of the change has been to reduce this work on Sundays. My right hon. Friend is however having the matter enquired into in order to ascertain whether it is not practicable to allow for Sunday distribution.
§ Mr. LEONARDIn view of the fact that many newspapers are delivered by relatives of untried prisoners at great trouble to themselves, will the hon. Member do what he can to see that the practice which was adopted by the two previous Governments is continued?
§ Mr. MALLALIEUIs the Under-Secretary able to say what kind of information is cut out of these newspapers?
§ Mr. SKELTONI am informed that it has been the practice to cut out of the newspapers information dealing with criminal matters. My right hon. Friend is having the matter inquired into because there seems to be something to be said against using time in this way.
§ Mr. ANSTRUTHER-GRAYIs it not a fact that a great many Sunday newspapers do not publish this undesirable information?