HC Deb 04 June 1935 vol 302 c1677
4. Mr. T. SMITH

asked the Secretary for Mines to what extent simultaneous shot-firing in mines is at present being carried on; and whether this method meets with the approval of the Department?


Simultaneous shot-firing has always been allowed in mines where permitted explosives are not required and in stone drifts and sinking pits: but I have no precise information as to the extent to which it is practised. Following the publication of a report (Safety in Mines Research Board Paper No. 85) embodying the results of a practical study of the practice by an expert committee, I have given special permission for the committee to extend that study, subject to proper precautions, to certain districts in five collieries where, normally, simultaneous firing is not permissible. All these permissions are for one year only and the committee will then make a further report for my consideration.


May I ask what is the intention of the Mines Department with regard to shot-firing? Is it to do away with it altogether


I must point out to the hon. Member that both the Mine Workers Federation and the National Federation of Firemen's Associations were consulted and concurred in the proposal to continue the experimental work.