§ 25. Mr. H. WILLIAMSasked the Minister of Transport whether he is aware that many classified roads do not bear on the signposts the classification letter A or B; and whether, in view of the importance of this subject on account of pending legislation on ribbon development, and the difficulty of ascertaining whether or not a road has been classified for the purposes of Road Fund grants, he will arrange for a new edition of the list of classified roads in continuation of the list published in 1923?
§ The MINISTER of TRANSPORT (Mr. Hore-Belisha)With reference to the first part of the question, I will again draw the attention of highway authorities to their obligations in the matter of displaying letters and numbers on each classified 2640 road at suitable intervals. With regard to the second part of the question, the complete list of classified roads and numbers forms a large volume, and I should not anticipate that a revised issue of the last edition would be in general demand. The Ribbon Development Bill requires highway authorities to deposit at their offices plans showing all the roads which are the subject of restrictions in force. Further, there is provision for advertisement and for a register to be kept, so that all who may be affected by restrictions which may be brought into force by resolutions of highway authorities may, if they so desire, receive notice.