HC Deb 30 July 1935 vol 304 c2456
12. Mr. DICKIE

asked the Secretary for Mines whether he is aware that under the present trade agreement with Spain there is a rebate of three pesetas (gold) per ton of coal up to 750,000 tons of British imported coal, and that this rebate has not been paid in same cases although the importers have qualified for and are entitled to it; and, as this is likely to prejudice importers in favour of cheap foreign coal, will he make the necessary representations to the Spanish Government in order to obtain payment of the drawback?


I am aware that difficulties have been experienced in securing the payment of drawback on United Kingdom bituminous coal imported into Spain. As my hon. Friend is no doubt aware negotiations for a commercial agreement are at present in progress with representatives of the Spanish Government, and I can assure him that this matter will not be overlooked in those discussions.


Will the Minister urge on the Spanish Government the necessity for effecting a permanent and satisfactory settlement of this grievance and seeing that a similar difficulty is avoided in future?


The hon. Member can take it that we shall do our best to get a satisfactory agreement.