HC Deb 29 July 1935 vol 304 cc2295-6
42. Vice-Admiral CAMPBELL

asked the President of the Board of Trade how many British subjects were serving on the British vessel "Noemijulia" in March, 1935; what were their positions and what was their rate of pay; in what year was the "Noemijulia" built; and when was she last inspected by the representatives of the Board of Trade?


According to the available information, the only British subject serving on the "Noemijulia" in March, 1935, was the wireless operator, whose rate of pay is stated to be £7 a month. The vessel was built in 1895. She has not been to this country since her transfer from the Greek to the British flag in 1930. She was then inspected at Piraeus by a surveyor to Lloyd's Register of Shipping, acting on behalf of the Board of Trade.

Vice-Admiral CAMPBELL

In the unsatisfactory state of affairs disclosed by the answer of the hon. Gentleman, will he consider the appointment of a committee to inquire into the whole of the circumstances of the Merchant Shipping Act with a view to its revision?


I hardly think that that arises out of this question. The position of British vessels that for long periods of time do not return to this country is one that is receiving the consideration of my Department.

Vice-Admiral CAMPBELL

Is it satisfactory that a ship which is away for five years, has only one British subject on board and has a rather non-British name, should fly the British flag?