HC Deb 22 July 1935 vol 304 c1479

asked the Secretary of State for Air whether he is prepared to authorise the continuance of the allowance of 10s. 6d. per week made to the parents of Cecil G. Davies, Royal Air Force, deceased, who served in seaplane Iris II. when it was destroyed on 4th February, 1931, which has been paid from the date of the airman's death, but which it is now proposed to suspend on account of the father's earnings having exceeded 28s. per week?


The regulations make the payment of allowances to the parents of a deceased airman dependent on their pecuniary and other circumstances. The particular case referred to was investigated as recently as November, 1934, and it was then decided that continuance of the allowance was not justified. I am, of course, quite ready to review the case if the circumstances have changed since then.