HC Deb 11 July 1935 vol 304 cc473-4
13. Lieut.-Colonel ACLAND TROYTE

asked the Home Secretary whether he can give any estimate of the amount of money which will be lost annually to hospitals as a result of the Betting and Lotteries Act; and whether he proposes to bring in a Bill to amend this Act so as to allow small lotteries to be held for the benefit of hospitals and other recognised institutions?


I have no information which would enable me to reply to the first part of the question. As regards the second part, the House considered, during the passage of the Betting and Lotteries Act, 1934, various proposals for legalising lotteries in aid of hospitals and other charities but rejected them.

Lieut.-Colonel ACLAND-TROYTE

Is the right hon. Gentleman aware that my local hospital has lost £700 or £800 a year owing to this Act and that it is going very much further than it appeared the House intended it to go; and will he make further inquiries?


My hon. and gallant Friend will realise that very careful examination was given to this question by the House. I must point out to him that as far as I know the Act of 1934 did not make illegal any type of lottery which was previously legal.

Lieut.-Colonel ACLAND - TROYTE

Does the right hon. Gentleman realise the extent to which it is being applied?

Viscountess ASTOR

Is it not the case that it has been stated that these lotteries do more harm than good to the hospitals in the year?


It certainly must be borne in mind that, assuming that efforts were made to finance hospitals in this country by means of lotteries, it does not necessarily follow that the existing sources out of which the hospitals receive help would continue to flow.


In view of the confused state of the betting law, will the right hon. Gentleman consider the possibility of its codification?


Since the passing of the Act, has there been any evidence of any great demand for the restoration of these lotteries?


indicated dissent.