§ 17. Mr. LOUIS SMITH (for Mr. LYONS)asked the Secretary of State for Air whether he can now indicate what further progress has been made with reference to the establishment of a central airport for London?
§ Sir P. CUNLIFFE-LISTERAs my hon. and learned Friend is aware, the City Lands Committee of the Corporation of London is examining the possibility of providing an airport within or near the City of London, and I have no doubt that they are giving every possible attention to the many and varied problems which arise. It will be realised that the investigations in a matter of this kind must inevitably take some time.
§ Mr. LOUIS SMITHHaving regard to the fact that the time taken to travel to and from the present airports affects the popularity of the service, particularly at home, will my right hon. Friend do his best to accelerate progress in this connection.
§ Sir P. CUNLIFFE-LISTERYes, but anybody who looks at London will realise the difficulty of finding open spaces and what an extraordinarily difficult problem it is.
§ Captain PETER MACDONALDIs anything being done to improve the transport facilities to and from the existing airports?
§ Sir P. CUNLIFFE-LISTERThat is under consideration.