HC Deb 27 February 1935 vol 298 cc1117-8

asked the Under-Secretary of State for Air whether consideration has been given to the advisability of an early investigation of the possibilities of countering air attacks by utilising the recent progress of scientific invention; and, if so, whether it is intended to enlist the assistance of scientists outside the Government service?


I must apologise to the House for the unavoidable length of this answer. My Noble Friend decided some months since to appoint a special committee to conduct such an investigation as a matter of urgency, and to obtain for that committee the services of a number of distinguished scientists outside the Government service. This committee is already at work and, with the exception of the Director of Scientific Research at the Air Ministry, its composition is non-official and is as follows:

  • Mr. H. T. Tizard, Rector of the Imperial College of Science, Chairman;
  • Professor A. V. Hill, Foulerton Research Professor of the Royal Society;
  • Professor P. M. S. Blackett, Professor of Physics in the University of London.
I should like to take this opportunity of paying a tribute to the public spirit which has induced these gentlemen to offer their services. While it is considered that a small committee, will be best equipped to make rapid progress in this most important matter, it is the intention to invite a number of other distinguished scientists to contribute to the investigation whether by giving evidence or otherwise; and the membership of the committee will be enlarged if, as its investigations proceed, it should appear that its work will thus be facilitated. I may add that it is intended in due course to bring the report of this committee before the 'Committee of Imperial Defence.


Will the Minister consider the advisability of inviting Professor Lindemann to serve on this committee in view of the attention which he has given to this subject?


An invitation was conveyed to this gentleman several weeks ago.