HC Deb 26 February 1935 vol 298 cc954-5
47. Sir W. DAVISON (for Lieut.-Colonel APPLIN)

asked the Financial Secretary to the Treasury whether he is aware that the Cunard liner "Britannic" purchased 2,000 lbs. of foreign hot-house grapes at Liverpool on or about the 18th January out of bond, and thus avoided paying the duty thereon; and what steps he proposes to take to protect British growers against this practice in view of the subsidy paid by Government to this company?


I am informed that approximately 2,000 lbs. of foreign hothouse grapes were shipped duty free as stores on the "Britannic" on the date in question. The shipment of dutiable goods generally, without payment of duty, for use on the voyage in the case of ships proceeding from this country to foreign parts is a long-standing practice authorised by law. I see no reason for taking any discriminatory action in regard to grapes.

STATEMENT of the Cost to the Exchequer of subsidies in the financial years, 1930–1934.
1930. 1931. 1932. 1933. 1934 (est.).
£000. £000. £000. £000. £000.
Housing 13,668 14,521 15,215 15,298 16,016
Beet Sugar 6,023 2,135 2,356 3,333 4,450
Western Highlands and Islands Transport 25 32 31 31 31
Civil Aviation 389 395 398 400 432
Mechanical Transport 33 15 5 2 1
Armour Plate Manufacturers 60
Light Horse Breeding 30 25 11 5
Milk 1,445
Cattle (payments to producers) 2,100
Herring Industry:
(a) Pitting out expenses of Herring Drifters. 15
(b) Cost to the Exchequer under the Herring Industry Bill. 602
20,228 17,123 18,016 19,064 25,097