HC Deb 25 February 1935 vol 298 cc755-6

asked the Minister of Agriculture whether he is aware of the lack of uniformity of the administra tion of the Milk and Dairies (Consolidation) Act, 1915, and the Tuberculosis Order, 1925, by county councils in the North-West region of the Milk Marketing Board; and whether, owing to the higher costs of producing milk as a result of the efficient operation of these regulations in the West Riding of Yorkshire, he will make representations to the Milk Marketing Board with a view to producers in West Riding receiving a higher pool price than producers in other areas comprising the North-Western region?


I do not doubt that there are differences in the standard of administration of the legislation relating to milk in the region mentioned, as in other parts of the country. I may, however, point out that, under the scheme of the Milk Marketing Board for a register of accredited producers which is expected to come into operation on the 1st May, producers who comply with the prescribed conditions for securing the purity and good quality of their milk will he entitled to a guaranteed quality premium.