HC Deb 21 February 1935 vol 298 cc512-3
56. Mr. MABANE

asked the Minister of Transport whether he will consider including in his Estimates an appropriation of, say, £50,000 to be expended on an advertising programme in the London and provincial Press to educate all road users, both vehicular and pedestrians, in their duties; and whether he is aware of the opinion, widely held in responsible quarters, that no single act would be so calculated to reduce the toll of road accidents as the expenditure of this sum of money in the manner indicated?

The MINISTER of TRANSPORT (Mr. Hore-Belisha)

I gratefully acknowledge the assistance which has been given to me from motives of public service, and I am confident that I can rely on its continuance on a voluntary basis. Road safety is, of course, a matter of national concern and I feel sure that all in a position of authority will unremittingly and disinterestedly use their great influence to promote it.


Would it not be better and much more likely to assist in the reduction of road accidents if there were advertisements in the Press, similar to those inserted by the Postmaster-General, instructing road users on how to use the roads?


I have gratefully acknowledged the co-operation which all in a position of authority, including the Press, have given to me very generously and on a big scale, and I think perhaps the effect might be spoiled if certain newspapers were selected for the privilege of the insertion of advertisements.


Has the hon. Gentleman considered the use of films for this purpose?


Yes, Sir.


Is not the hon. Gentleman himself the best advertisement, for his schemes?