HC Deb 19 February 1935 vol 298 c173
32. Major WATT

asked the Financial Secretary to the War Office whether he can now state what part the Territorial Army is going to take in the forthcoming Jubilee celebrations?

33. Lieut.-Colonel CHARLES MacANDREW

asked the Financial Secretary to the War Office what part will be taken in the Jubilee celebrations by the Scottish units of the Territorial Army?


The arrangements are still under consideration, but I hope to be able to snake a statement in about a fortnight's time.

Lieut.-Colonel MacANDREW

May I ask my right hon. Friend, in view of the fact that Territorial soldiers have pledged themselves to leave their certain employment and go overseas for a definite time for a small reward, to keep them carefully in mind and give them a prominent part in the celebrations in England?


I think that I can assure my hon. and gallant Friend that they will be given a prominent part.