HC Deb 18 December 1935 vol 307 cc1758-9

asked the Minister of Agriculture whether he is aware that Messrs. Hounsdell and Loft, Hastings, distributors for over 13 years of separated milk, have had their supplies stopped through the action of the Milk Marketing Board; that no compensation has been paid for loss of trade and goodwill; that these partners are not entitled to unemployment benefit; and whether he will inquire into this and any other eases where businesses have been expropriated without compensation?


I am aware of the case to which my hon. Friend refers. When milk is sold for manufacture under the Milk Marketing Scheme the board may allow the purchaser a rebate off the liquid selling price varying with the type of product manufactured. I am informed by the board that some manufacturers who bought whole milk at manufacturing rates sold separated milk, being a byproduct of the manufactured product, at a price higher than that paid to the board for the whole milk. The board has decided not to allow the rebate in these cases. As to the last part of the question, I would remind my hon. Friend that machinery is provided in Section 9 of the Agricultural Marketing Act, 1931, for the investigation of complaints regarding the operation of marketing schemes.


Is the hon. Gentleman not aware that these two people have no right of appeal, that their business, which was 13½ years old, has been destroyed by the action of the board, and that they will receive no compensation or unemployment benefit; and will he make representations to the Milk Marketing Board with a view at least to relieving people whom they throw out of work and business by their action?


As the hon. Member knows, the function of the committee of investigation is, as I have mentioned before, to investigate cases in which complaint is made, and, if a complaint is made to my right hon. Friend, he will consider referring it to the committee of investigation.