HC Deb 18 December 1935 vol 307 c1729
2. Mr. RILEY

asked the Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs whether any steps have been taken to carry out the recommendations of the Buenos Aires Peace Conference that an International Commission should be set up to determine the responsibilities for the war in the Chaco between Bolivia and Paraguay: and whether he can give any particulars regarding this Commission?


On 2nd October last, the members of the Peace Conference at Buenos Aires signed a resolution providing for the establishment, in accordance with paragraph 7 of Article I of the Buenos Aires Peace Protocol of 12th June, 1935, of an International Commission to determine the responsibilities of every sort or kind arising out of the war between Bolivia and Paraguay. The Commission was to consist of three members, two to be appointed, on the invitation of Bolivia and Paraguay respectively, by the Governments of American States, and one, who should be a magistrate of the Supreme Federal Court or of one of the highest courts of the United States and should act as President of the Commission, by the Supreme Court of the United States of America. It was also provided that the Commission was to be constituted within 90 days of the signature of the Agreement of 2nd October. His Majesty's Government have not yet heard that it has been formed.