HC Deb 17 December 1935 vol 307 cc1553-4
80. Mr. HARDIE

asked the Secretary of State for Scotland whether he is aware that the whole of the black-faced sheep, numbering about 4,000 head, belonging to Lord Breadalbane, on the extensive hill grazings of the farms of Acharna and Innerliner, Loch Etive side, have been sold to make room for deer and that farm houses are to be converted into shooting lodges; and if he is prepared to take steps to prevent this destruction of industry?


I am informed that, for about two and a-half years, the sheep farms in question remained unlet notwithstanding every effort made by advertisement and otherwise to find tenants. Both farms were sold by Lord Breadalbane this year to purchasers who did not wish to take over the sheep stocks, and consequently he was obliged to sell the sheep, which entailed a loss of about £2,900. There is no question, therefore, of the sheep being disposed of by Lord Breadalbane to make room for deer as he would have been glad to find tenants to take over the sheep on reasonable terms. I have no power to intervene in connection with transactions of this nature.


Does not the Scottish Office consider that here is an opportunity for preventing land becoming a deer derelict area and for making use of it for the unemployed?


No, Sir; the whole matter of deer forests is under consideration, and I shall be very glad to have the assistance of hon. Members opposite in any legislation on the subject.