HC Deb 16 December 1935 vol 307 cc1405-6
72. Mr. T. SMITH

asked the Secretary of State for the Colonies whether, in view of the economic expansion now taking place in Palestine and the need for further labour, the labour schedule for Jewish immigration will be increased?

The SECRETARY of STATE for the COLONIES (Mr. J. H. Thomas)

As I informed the hon. Member on nth December, proposals for the schedule for the current half-year are now under consideration by the High Commissioner for Palestine. In determining the quota, the High Commissioner will be guided by all the relevant facts.

73. Mr. McENTEE

asked the Secretary of State for the Colonies whether he has considered the resolution passed by the Zionist Congress deploring the small share of employment on public and municipal works which has fallen to the Jewish population in Palestine, and urging His Majesty's Government in Palestine, in determining future labour schedules, to make due provision under this head so as to enable the Jewish population, by means of an adequate supply of immigrant labour, to benefit from Government expenditure on public works; and what steps have been taken to carry out this request?


I have seen the resolution to which the hon. Member refers and a copy has been forwarded to the High Commissioner for Palestine. Employment on public and municipal works in Palestine has at all times been available to Jews on the same conditions as to non-Jews, and in determining labour schedules careful consideration has always been given to Jewish claims for a fair proportion of employment on public works.