HC Deb 11 December 1935 vol 307 cc1071-2

In pursuance of the Church of England Assembly (Powers) Act, 1919 (9 and 10 Geo. V., c. 76, s. 2 (2)), Mr. SPEAKER has nominated the following Fifteen Members of the House of Commons to serve, for the duration of the present Parliament, upon the Ecclesiastical Committee:

The Right Hon. Lord Hugh Richard Cecil,

The Right Hon. Viscount Wolmer,

Major the Right Hon. John Waller Hills,

The Right Hon. George Lansbury, J.P.,

Sir Henry Strother Cautley, baronet, K.C.,

The Hon. Richard Douglas Denman,

Sir John Haslam, knight,

Major Sir John Dearman Birchall, knight, J.P.,

Lieut.-Colonel Sir Francis Edward Fremantle, O.B.E

Brigadier - General Howard Clifton Brown, D.L., J.P.,

Geoffrey le Mesurier Mander, esquire,

Doctor Sidney John Peters, M.A., LL.D.,

Thomas Cape, esquire,

Rear-Admiral Sir Murray Sueter, C.B.,

Charles George Amnion, esquire.

Adjourned at Seventeen Minutes before One o'clock.