HC Deb 10 December 1935 vol 307 cc713-4
13. Captain P. MACDONALD

asked the President of the Board of Trade what sum has been expended to date in respect of the tramp shipping subsidy, and whether the scheme is to be continued on the present or upon a revised basis?


I must apologise for giving a somewhat long answer to this question.

The interim payments which have been made in respect of the first and second quarters of the year amount to £795,569. A further distribution in respect of the third quarter is now beginning. As regards the second part of the question, the Government have given careful consideration to this matter. As the result of a detailed examination of the operation of the subsidy, the Government are satisfied that it has brought about a distinct improvement in British tramp shipping and in the employment of British officers and seamen, not only by its direct effects but also as a Iesult of the measures of co-operation which the subsidy has enabled the shipowners to introduce. At the same time they have reached the conclusion that, in the adverse circumstances which still persist, the withdrawal of the subsidy at this stage would endanger the continuance of those measures of co-operation and jeopardise the improvement which has been effected. The Tramp Shipowners' Committee of the Chamber of Shipping have applied for the continuance of the subsidy for a further period, and the Government have decided to ask Parliament to make available, for a period of 12 months from 1st January next, a further sum of £2,000,000 on the same general terms and conditions as before. The necessary legislation will be introduced as soon as possible.

I should like to take this opportunity of expressing my appreciation of the valuable services which have been rendered during the year by the chairman and members of the Tramp Shipping Subsidy Committee and the Tramp Shipping Administrative Committee. The success of the subsidy has been due in large measure to the work of those committees.


Is it a fact that the Government are going to introduce a Clause, in the New Year, to provide that there must be a means test for these shipping companies?


Can the hon. Gentleman say whether the owners of these tramp steamers are now paying satisfactory dividends as a result of the subsidy?


Is the continuation of this subsidy in accordance with the demand of the shipowners, when the last one was being discussed, that it was only in the nature of a loan or part payment, and that they would demand more, and much more? Are the Government giving way to them?