HC Deb 01 August 1935 vol 304 cc2845-6

asked the Minister of Agriculture whether he has yet gained sufficient experience as to the effect of the Sea Fishing Industry (Restriction of Fishing in Northern Waters) Order, 1933, to reconsider it so that during the summer months the fried-fish shops may obtain fish at the original cheaper rate, and thus be able to recoup themselves a little from loss during the winter months when the price of fish is high?


The average price per cwt. of white fish in 1934 when this Order operated for four months was 1s. lower than that of the past seven years. The average price for the first six months of 1935 was also lower than that for the first six months of 1934. My right hon. Friend does not think, therefore, that there is, so far, evidence to justify the withdrawal or modification of the Order. The whole position is now under review by the Sea-Fish Commission.


asked the Minister of Agriculture the average price of white fish at the port in the years 1928, 1929, 1930, 1931, 1932, 1933, 1934, and 1935, to the nearest date available?


A statement is being circulated in the OFFICIAL REPORT giving the information desired.

Following is the statement:

Average prices of White fish (per cwt.) landed by British vessels in England and Wales at first sale at the ports in years 1928 to 1934 and first six months of 1935.

s. d.
1928 25 1
1929 25 5
1930 21 1
1931 20 2
1932 18 6
1933 18 7
1934 20 3
1935 (6 months only) 18 2