HC Deb 29 April 1935 vol 301 cc107-8

The Secretary of State may appoint persons to any civil medical service of, or civil medical post under, the Crown in Burma.—[Mr. Butler.]

Brought up, and read the First time.

7.10 p.m.


I beg to move, "That the Clause be read a Second time."

This Clause is exactly similar to the new Clause moved in connection with India. The Committee will remember that when we were discussing Clause 395 in relation to Burma reference was made to the necessity for a, new Clause in relation to the future arrangements that will be made for the civil medical services of Burma and civil medical posts under the Crown in Burma. In the original Bill as printed it was stated specifically that there would be a Burma Medical Service, Class I. That prejudged the question of the future reorganisation of the superior medical service in Burma, and because that question was pre-judged we decided to omit these original words in Clause 395, and to move this new Clause to give the Secretary of State an opportunity of conforming to whatever arrangements are made in the future, after the discussions at present going on for the purpose of providing a suitable medical service for Europeans and the military in Burma.


With what authority is the Secretary of State conferring with a view to arriving at a suitable scheme for the recruiting of the medical service in Burma?


The hon. Member will remember that we discussed this question on the Joint Select Committee. It was decided to limit the necessity for medical attendance to the purposes which I have described, and it is with a view to coming to some understanding on that point that negotiations are now proceeding between the Government of India and the Government of Burma as to what is the most suitable method of arranging for the Burma medical services. At present, as Burma is a part of India, the medical services are all bound up together; but we are allowing discussions to proceed as to what will be the exact future of the medical services in Burma for which the Secretary of State shall make appointments for the specific purposes which I described in moving the Clause.

7.12 p.m.


I have no objection to this, but I merely want to say that I understand that the University of Rangoon has a medical faculty and that it will naturally have a great interest in any arrangements arrived at for the future recruitment of the civil medical service. I should very much hope that these appointments, when they are made upon whatever arrangements may be arrived at by the responsible authorities, may be such as to enable an adequate recruitment of young Burmese for the various medical services in their own country.


Will the Secretary of State have power to examine the conditions of pay and service?


All the conditions resulting from that recruitment will apply.

Clause added to the Bill.