HC Deb 29 April 1935 vol 301 cc17-9
23. Captain ARTHUR EVANS

asked the Minister of Labour whether consideration has been given to the resolution passed by the Cardiff City Council suggesting that at least a sum equivalent to one day's unemployment benefit be granted to each unemployed person in celebration of the Silver Jubilee; and whether the Unemployment Assistance Board and public assistance authorities have now come to a decision regarding this matter?


So far as unemployment assistance allowances are concerned, I would refer to the answer given on the 18th April to my hon. Friend the Member for Faversham (Mr. Maitland). As regards public assistance I understand that local authorities have a general sanction which will permit them on the occasion of the Jubilee to pay extra allowances to persons in receipt of public assistance, and that a number of authorities are arranging to do so.


Do I understand that unemployed persons will not be debarred from getting unemployment pay on that day on account of its being declared a Bank Holiday?


I should like to see that question on the Paper.


(by Private Notice) asked the Secretary of State for the Home Department whether he is aware that the retail shopkeepers, while granting a holiday with pay to their employés on Bank Holiday Monday, 6th May, in accordance with custom and common law practice, propose, on the other hand, to deprive them of their statutory weekly half-holiday during that week, and if so, whether he can take any action to prevent this deprivation?

The SECRETARY of STATE for the HOME DEPARTMENT (Sir John Gilmour)

I had not previously received any representations on this matter, and it is not possible to say, without further particulars, whether or not the arrangements referred to would fall within the provisions of the Shops Acts. I have no power, in any case, to issue any instructions, but I certainly hope that shopkeepers will, so far as possible, treat the Jubilee holiday as an additional holiday and avoid doing anything which would detract from its full enjoyment by their employés.