HC Deb 16 April 1935 vol 300 cc1677-8

asked the President of the Board of Trade whether the liquidator is yet in a position to make an estimate of the position of the industrial and ordinary life policy holders who were members of the Hearts of Oak Assurance Company, now in liquidation

Quantity and Value (f.o.b.) of Coal exported to European Countries in 1932, 1933 and1 934.
Country Quantity. Value (f.o.b.).
1932 1933 1934 1932 1933 1934
Tons. Tons. Tons. £ £ £
Norway 867,554 982,551 1,371,014 549,849 629,713 900,354
Sweden 1,364,671 1,984,149 2,609,737 926,642 1,291,245 1,714,479
Denmark 2,089,506 2,857,000 3,087,503 1,399,147 1,851,981 2,013,045
Iceland 85,357 123,576 106,502 66,633 98,097 85,751
Finland 473,942 472,689 830,917 264,717 296,799 525,419
Germany 2,308,507 2,360,399 2,540,929 1,518,402 1,552,864 1,713,496
Estonia 32,790 28,673 23,647 23,573 21,907 17,874
Latvia 235,932 323,272 401,755 146,867 205,999 273,170
Lithuania 72,170 152,156 184,876 48,149 100,981 130,484
France 8,885,652 8,695,671 7,669,427 7,721,173 7,611,403 6,998,839
Other European Countries. 13,505,426 12,258,592 12,044,683 10,722,583 9,585,929 9,514,107
Total 29,921,507 30,238,728 30,870,990 23,387,735 23,246,918 23,887,018


I am informed by the Liquidator that the valuation of the claims of the industrial and ordinary life policy holders has been completed. Notices, indicating the amounts at which the claims of the latter have been admitted, have been posted and similar notices will be posted to the industrial policy holders at an early date.