HC Deb 15 April 1935 vol 300 c1591
28. Mr. BATEY

asked the Minister of Labour how many of the 2,000,000 unemployed had only been out of work for a day or less?


I regret that statistics giving the desired information are not available.


If the hon. Member has no statistics, is he aware that the Dominions Secretary stated in a speech last Monday that there were 1,500,000 fewer unemployed than in 1932. is that statement correct?


Perhaps the hon. Member will look at the letter from the right hon. Gentleman in to-day's "Manchester Guardian," which explains it.

29. Mr. BATEY

asked the Minister of Labour the number of miners unemployed during February, 1932, and February, 1935, respectively?


At 22nd February, 1932, there were 201,842 insured persons aged 16 to 64 in the coal mining industry in Great Britain recorded as wholly unemployed, and 92,848 temporarily stopped. At 25th February, 1935, the corresponding figures were 183,666 wholly unemployed and 66,557 temporarily stopped.