HC Deb 15 April 1935 vol 300 cc1583-4
15. Mr. HANNON

asked the Minister of Agriculture whether, having regard to the importance of the programme which is being prepared for the agricultural section of the Sixth International Congress for Scientific Management which is to be held in the Central Hall, Westminster, in July this year, he will be prepared to give the work of the congress publicity in the official publications of the Ministry?


Arrangements have already been made for articles on different aspects of management to appear in the Journal of the Ministry of Agriculture before the date of the congress and officers of the Ministry are assisting the organising committee in various ways. I have also accepted an invitation to become vice-patron and hope that the congress will meet with wide support from agricultural organisations and from agriculturists generally.


Is the House to understand from the reply that His Majesty's Government will do everything possible to promote a successful conclusion to the negotiations at the conference?


Yes, Sir.